Poster Frame Materials For Every Use Leave a comment

Find out the right poster frame materials to highlight your message.Metal poster frames, plastic poster frames, wooden poster frames. Which is the best for your environment?

The right poster frame makes your message blend into the environment. Some frames stand out while other frames blend in. Color, style or material—pick what works for you. Pick what will complement your space.

White Poster Frame
For many spaces, frames make a subtle statement and are the right choice. Against white walls, white poster frame materials will make a classic

statement. Clean and crisp, a white poster frame gives the message of purity and strong organization, white is great for poster frames. White Optiframes make tabletop or wall mounted frames work for smaller messages. White plastic poster frames are also classic for outdoor signs.

Color Frames Highlight Your Sign
Colors have meanings, and how you frame your signs can have subtle meanings. Black sign frames are elegant, red poster frames are warm and bold. A blue poster frame sends the message of reliability and professionalism. Green sign frames advertise your product’s durability and optimism.

Black is a classic color for sign frames, small and large. Black can help separate the poster from the background, while giving just enough emphasis that it will get noticed. Because the color is powerful, it can add weight to any poster you put inside.

Silver is not so much a color as a material. Silver suggests high-tech, modern, glamorous and industrial. Metal colors like silver and gold can bring glamour to your signage.

Poster Frame Materials
Most poster frames materials are aluminum. Although lightweight, aluminum is incredibly strong. Aluminum makes a frame easy to handle and practically indestructible. For a frame that lasts for years, because aluminum holds its shape. Aluminum frames come in many colors, including a wood color. Aluminum doesn’t rust, therefore it is great outdoors or indoors.

Plastic is a material of choice for outdoor sign frames. It is durable, washable, and easy to move. Plastic also makes a great base for water-weighted sign frames. Acrylic frames are also a type of plastic poster frame with a modern, see-through look. Acrylic is transparent, and often used as the front of poster frames instead of glass: it is lightweight, harder to break, and looks great in front of any sign.

A wood poster frame has a natural feel. Classic to frame a sidewalk blackboard sign, wood is a great material. For more durability and lighter weight, you can also consider a wood poster frame that is actually aluminum, but has a wood look painted on.

Poster Frame Options
Other poster frame options include led lighting, lockable, outdoor, or sidewalk signs. There is a poster frame style for any space you have. First, look for the function you need. Then consider color and material. Hence with just a little effort, you can find the perfect poster frame for your needs.

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